• Presentation of custom-made motorised Wheelchair @ Spectra Secondary School
  • Presentation of custom-made motorised Wheelchair @ Spectra Secondary School
  • Community Service HappyMeals Program
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The Headlines

President's Monthly Message

Stephanie Song

President of Rotary E-Club of 3310 (2024-2025). This column is updated monthly.

I'm Proud To Be A Rotarian

Rotarian Ching Kwock Wing
A Life of Service and Leadership
As a seasoned global business executive, educator, and dedicated Rotarian, Ching Kwock Wing embodies the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.” With a storied career spanning three decades and a passion for teaching, Kwock Wing has made a lasting impact in the lives of countless individuals. [Read More]

Rotarian (PP) Susan Wong
Finding Passion and Purpose through Rotary Engagements
Susan Wong’s Rotary journey began with an invitation to an OCBC Executive Club meeting, leading to the formation of Asia’s first E-Club, chartered by President Chew Ban Seng and several Past District Governors. [Read More]

Rotarian (PP) Edmund Chew
The Evolution of a Servant Leader
Edmund Chew’s life is a shining example of the transformative power of service, selflessness, and continuous growth. From his humble beginnings to his current endeavors, Edmund’s path has been marked by significant milestones that have shaped him into a dedicated community leader.[Read More]