President’s Message for June 2021

Tuesday, 1 June 2021 | View:

We are at the last month of our 2020-2021 term. As I look back we have successfully led and delivered a full bag of projects and also transitioned some over to the next term. I will be taking over another term for 2021-2022 and am honored to do so. We have had many memorable experiences and the lessons we’ve learned will carry us forward to be a stronger Club in 2021-2022 and create a lasting impact on our community.

Our heartfelt thank you to Assistant Governor Richard Ong for his contribution of 1 PHF towards this COVID-19 related project with Rotary Club of Kluang. Kluang General Hospital (Hospital Enche Besar Hajjah Khalsom) has been converted to a COVID-19 hospital since 1st December 2020. To date, they have reached a capacity of more than 70%. We will help to provide a ventilator machine, medical materials such as PPE, masks, face shields, gloves to the hospital. We will also help to provide food aid to families that were affected by this pandemic.

Charter President Chew Ban Seng successfully moderated Rotary E-Club of 3310’s Panel Discussion on Thursday 27 May 2021, “Building Equity Through Our Foundation and Grants”. Areas discussed to help Clubs looking to initiate Global Grants were:

– Funding Resources – How to find partners in service, especially to help match donor countries or donor Districts with developing countries where the needs for doing projects in the Areas of Focus are plentiful.
– Planning & Implementation Resources – How can we borrow expertise (from Rotarians of other Districts) to help us undertake basic research, community need assessments, and implementation. You can watch the replays on YouTube.

We will participate with the Rotary Club of Jurong town on Project Apex Harmony Lodge, Singapore’s first dementia residence with outpatient care. The event is planned for 14th June 2021.

We will contribute to providing improvements to their meal at this Dumping Festival [端牛节], for their residents and their staff.

On the 18th of June, we will be hosting our monthly project Happy Meals at SWAMI Home to provide 300 servings of DUM Biryani.

We are delighted to receive the following district awards at the recent Disgtrict Conference:
– Gold Award: Best Vocational Service Project with Rotary Club of Queenstown, Happy Nurses Day
– Bronze Award: Best Public Image Award with Rotary Club of Queenstown, Happy Nurses Day & Virtual Concert.

My heartfelt thank you to all who contributed and participated.

Lastly, we will be having a virtual installation on the 18th of June 2021 to install the new Board of Directors and CLP Chairs for 2021-2022. Do join us.

Yours in Rotary
Eddie Ho, President
Rotary E-Club of 3310
