President’s Message for August 2021
Tuesday, 3 August 2021 | View:
August is Membership Month. Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta’s vision is to increase membership from 1.2 million to 1.3 million by the end of our RY 2021. The call to action: Each one, Bring one.
A donation of Malaysian Ringgit 2000 was provided to Rotary Club of Pontian as food vouchers for the needy patients of Pontian Palliative Care Center. Additionally, a new nurse is being trained to support the patients.
We kicked off the fundraising campaign to support the Healthcare Heroes Project with a virtual fundraising concert on the 31st of July. Thank you to all the 23 clubs in Singapore for supporting the cause. A big thank you to all the talented artists who have contributed their performances to this special cause. The Ministry of Health (MOH) has shown us great support for the effort. Thank you, MOH. Please visit to view the recorded performance. Please donate at Your contributions are highly appreciated.
We are in the initial phases of Breakthrough in Learning Difficulties: lrlen Lens Project. We completed initial discussions with the Foundation of Rotary Clubs Singapore Ltd (FRCS) on our partnership agreements. There will be more to come in the following months.
On behalf of Rotary E-Club of 3310, thank you Freddie Ryan Yap (TCM International), Dr Doris Ang and Friends of Rotary for your support and contributions to the weekly meals at Guanyin Temple.
With warmest regards,
President Eddie Ho
Rotary E-Club of 3310
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