President’s Message for September 2021

Wednesday, 1 September 2021 | View:

September is Basic Education and Literacy Month. As a club, we are working with Spectra Secondary School on several projects which will span the full year.

Spectra Secondary School is a specialized school for Normal Technical students. They provide a customized and practice-oriented curriculum to suit the learning needs of students working closely with the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and industry partners to develop programs and attachment opportunities for students. ‘Spectra’ represents the school’s philosophy of recognizing the different spectrum of talents and strengths of our students. The school aims to embrace and nurture our young in developing their strengths and instilling self-confidence in all.

The first project “Breakthrough in Learning Difficulties: Irlen Method” is led by Rtn Dr. Doris Ang who will help to diagnose and treat dyslexic students with visual processing disabilities using the Irlen methodology. We will be raising funds through the Foundation of Rotary Clubs Singapore (FRCS). Under the Spectra Secondary School, we will also have upcoming projects led by Rtn Cindy Yen. Some of them are Guest Chef Cooking events, Autistic Learning Intervention, and Supplies to the Food Bank.

Let’s look forward to a great month ahead.

Yours in Rotary,
Eddie Ho
President, Rotary E-Club of 3310
