President’s Message for July 2022
Monday, 15 August 2022 | View:
Greetings for the month of July.
On 19 June 2022 our club members participated in the installation of clubs Board of directors and the various activities in international and local projects.
In the following reports you will relish the memories of your contribution to both local and overseas projects Imagine Rotary in July is the month for planning our strategic club goals.
Looking at our Rotary logo of a wheel in motion symbolising a movement of people in action impacting our communities and the world at large.
Rotarians membership is not only of a local club or district but it is an international community of more than 1 million members of great diversity of all races and encompassing all religions.
As Rotarians man and woman of action let us gather more momentum of doing good in all ways imaginable For our club we continue towards a more vibrant club to encourage more younger generations to join us in our fight to end polio , promote education and literacy like Starfish project serve suffering humanity through our Gift of sight Ray-of Hope Happy meals and many other campaigns like honor Ing our Healthcare heroes.
We had our first international service with Rotary eclub of KL 3300 highlighting the suffering of those who are trafficked as slaves.
Imagine our world without Rotarians it would be a darker world with less hope.
In conclusion let us echo our Rotary International President Jennifer Jones to spur on with greater innovation to serve suffering humanity with imagination. Imagine Rotary.
President James Tian, RY2022-23
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